QR Code technology

We can add QR codes to products and clothing to enable you to give prospective customers access to your web site content at the click of a phone...

We can add a QR Code to your paperwork, business cards, uniforms and pretty much anything. Once the code is there, all the prospective customer has to do is point their phone at the square, and click; instant access to your website. No chance of them getting the address wrong, or forgetting to look at the site - it is right there - immediately.

The advantage of QR codes is that they can direct the customer to a specific page of your site - not just the front page, so if you are running a promotion or special offer, you can make the code point them directly to the offer page. If you wear the code on a t-shirt, you can literally become an interactive advert.

It is also possible to make dynamic QR codes that can change the destination page without changing the QR code!!